Saturday 12 March 2011

Against the Clock

While we have yet to settle on a firm idea of where our game takes place, what genre it is and what platform it is on (although it is unlikely to be a mobile device), I have just come up with a few ideas. Since it has been decided that the game will involve team work and it must include Project Management to some extent, the game could be set on a space station orbiting a planet. This space station has been hit by either a missile fired by some hostiles, or by an asteroid and there is a limited amount of time to either escape or fix the problem, thus ending up in multiple paths. The player(s) must then plan accordingly how long they need to spend on each puzzle and in each room in order to fix the damage or escape in time. This incorporates time management and also delegation of tasks - one player can try and open a door while another can look for items which may aide in the mission.

The player can play alone but then they will be have to be very skilled in order to do everything on their own. They can call on their friends by inviting them and their friends can join at any time by selecting join game on the Xbox Dashboard (if on Xbox 360), picking up another controller and turning it on or if on the DS or 3DS simply by using a wireless connection similar to the Entralink on Pokémon Black and White.


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